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The Church Army Marylebone Project by Epsom Common Home Group

Christ Church has supported The Marylebone Project for many years. In the early days the Project mainly comprised a hostel for homeless women in London. It still provides this service - 112 long and short term beds. In recent years the Project has expanded to also deliver education, employment and training opportunities and other meaningful activities. The aim is to support the hostel residents into independent living.

Another major addition to the services provided by the Project was the homeless day centre, but because of funding difficulties it could only open for limited hours. But in a major new expansion of the service, the day centre is converting into a 24/7, 365 days a year drop-in. Rather than acting as a night shelter, the drop-in will provide emergency relief to women and signpost them onto other services where they can find longer-term help.

Women visiting the centre at any time, night or day, will have access to clothing, food parcels, and emergency beds when they are available.

Women supported by the Project are often affected by substance misuse, unemployment, domestic violence and mental health issues. Whatever their story, the Project aims for the same ending; self-esteem, employment and independent living.

The Marylebone Project’s ethos is that each woman is a very special person. It believes that through the themes of:

· Spirituality - that God loves each person regardless

· Hospitality - that all are welcomed

· Empowerment - equipping women to make informed choices

· Resettlement – encouraging and supporting women towards independent living

It is and will continue to make a lasting difference.


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