In many countries, people of a minority religion or who are atheist can be persecuted
by the authorities or face opposition from local communities. CSW is a Christian
organisation that advocates for the freedom of religion and belief (FORB) and works
in the hope that all people will be free to follow a belief or religion of their choice. It
provides information, evidence and reports for the UK and US governments, and
organisations such as the UN. CSW also trains and empowers local journalists,
religious leaders and others in countries where it focuses on abuses taking place.
Recently, for example, a small team from CSW travelled to Seoul, South Korea, to
launch a new report on North Korea: ‘We cannot look away’.
They had the privilege of meeting North Koreans who have fled extreme oppression,
as well as other organisations that are campaigning for justice. CEO Scot Bower
‘Most importantly, we met with escapees like my friend Jun – a young man who
travelled secretly for 10 months before finally arriving in South Korea. Jun told me
that he had never met a Christian until he arrived in China. Being a follower of Jesus
in North Korea is unbelievably difficult and risky; if discovered, Christians are dealt
with as if they were terrorists committing treason, execution by firing squad the most
likely consequence. Churches are tiny and isolated, meeting in family homes, always
in secret.’
Over the coming months CSW will continue to put the spotlight on North Korea and
remind the world that we cannot look away.
CHRIST CHURCH supports CSW as one of its mission partners. How can you help
to develop this relationship and support this work?
There are two magazines available online or in paper format:
RESPONSE gives up-to-date information on individuals and countries around the
CONNECT AND ENCOURAGE: gives names and addresses so that you can write
to in support, often to those in prison for their beliefs. Your letters make a difference!
There is a PRAYER DIARY for daily prayer for people and situations in need.
Please see the website for regular updates, the latest news of campaigns and ways
to donate or get involved.
2024 10AM SERVICE at Christ Church Epsom Common.
Last year’s talk was extremely informative and moving. Please put the date in your diary now!