Like other churches we are almost entirely dependent on the generosity of church members and local community for our financial support. These funds help us to maintain our beautiful Church building for the whole community as well as enabling us to minister to the Parish and support local and national charities.
Standing Order (our preferred method)
An easy way to give is via a bank standing order that comes direct from your bank/building society account at a time to suit you. If you are a taxpayer then for every £1 you give a further 25p can be claimed by the church from the Inland Revenue; all you need to do is a sign a 'Gift Aid form. Download our Standing Order Form, print, complete and take it to your bank, or do the whole thing online, using your online banking. The Gift Aid declaration form is here.
To donate now, please click on the 'Give a Little' logo below.
Register with easyfundraising
at www.easyfundraising.org.uk and nominate Christ Church Epsom as the cause you want to support. Then if you access your normal retailers via the easyfundraising website, they will make a donation to Christ Church.
If you have any questions about giving, please email June Skinner: givingsec@christchurchepsom.org.uk
Thank you for your generosity.