Vision Prayer Group
The Vision Prayer Group (VPG) was established by Rosemary in 2017 to pray for the Diocesan initiative of ‘Transforming Church Transforming Lives’ and the Christ Church programme of ‘Living Well & living well’. Each year we have met monthly to pray based on a list of Biddings and to have a quiet time when we try to listen to what the Lord wants. See the Biddings for 2024 below.
We meet virtually on Zoom and we have our quiet time that way as well. In our quiet time we write down any thoughts we have, send them afterwards to Peter who puts them together and sends the composite to Rosemary, the Church Wardens, and the Group. The advantage of meeting “virtually” is that no-one needs to travel to get to a meeting and anyone who is housebound for whatever reason can join us and participate in this important ministry. We would welcome new members so if you are comfortable praying aloud and in being quiet before the Lord, and are happy with Zoom meetings, we would love to hear from you!
For further information please contact Peter Grint, who is the co-ordinator, on 01372 727771 or email
Vision Prayer Group Biddings for 2024 – Aspects of Christ Church
Worship – preaching; occasional preachers; marriages; funerals; baptism team and baptisms; choir; band; flower arrangers; Readers; Intercessors; Welcomers; Sacristan; Servers; Communion Assistants; Home Communion Team; Sides-people; Confirmation courses; 5@5 services; Mid-week services; Occasional services eg schools and memorials; Transport to church.
Pastoral Care – Pastoral Assistants; relationships; care and retirement homes; service (including shopping) to lonely and homebound; the sick and those who are anxious or in trouble or need; Epsom Mental Health Week; Sheltered Housing; Epsom Refugee Network; Safeguarding.
Discipleship – Bible study; Home Groups including new group; Online resources; Christian conferences/festivals; Men’s Group; Rest & recreation; Emotions & relationships; Discipleship Team; Growing leaders Course; Mentor Training Scheme (Deanery Project).
Prayer - Prayer Groups; Vision Prayer Group; Prayer Ministry Team and ministry; Prayer rooms; Call to Pray booklet; Meditation; Prayer Chain; 24/7 Prayer Movement; Prayer courses; “Imagine a church” rooted in prayer .
Leadership – Vicar; Clergy; Lay Ministers; the Churchwardens; PCC; Youth & Family Worker; Choir Director; Band Director; Lay leaders; Verger; Home Group Leaders; Business and Resources Committee; Treasurer and Finance Team; Parish Administrator; Mentors; Growing Leaders Course; Safeguarding Officers; Mission Champions.
Young People – children; young people; Youth Alpa course; Safeguarding; Rosebery School, Kingswood House School, Stamford Green School, Southfield Park School; Spinnaker Epsom; Little Hands Nursery; CC United/Shooting Stars; Uniformed organisations (Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Rainbows & Brownies); Wheels & Squeals; Creche; Sunday Groups & leaders and helpers; Youth Club; University of Creative Arts and student accommodation; Bubble Church.
Community – Evangelism; Outreach; Alpha courses; Evangelism & Outreach Team; Missions Committee; Justice & Care; Church Hire; Hall hire; Foodbank; Communications; Parish Office and staff; Tea Club; Epsom Hospital; Borough Council; our MP; Street Pastors; The Cricketers & The Jolly Coopers; Police & Emergency Services; Old Moat Garden Centre; Manor Green and Livingstone Park shops; Donations policy; Epsom Hope into Action.
Ecology & Stewardship – Epsom Common Association; Conservation; the Environment and our handbook; Environmental Group and maintaining our silver award; Sharing or saving transport; reduction of Carbon Footprint; Finance and stewardship and especially our need to improve our income; Appreciate Epsom; Support local shops; projects and charities; review planned donations; Recycle; avoid waste; Stamford Green and West Park Allotments.
Buildings & Grounds – Premises Committee major repairs needed (heating, stone-work); general maintenance; ways to keep church open during the day for 100 days p.a. in addition to services (CCTV?); Sound desk/projector operators and the system; Church cleaning Teams; Brass cleaners; Mowers & Gardeners; Living Well Project; Church/Hall Development that will help people – office location & kitchen - and the/Architect & support Prayer Group; the Scout hut; parking spaces; Improvements to Greenway property, almost complete.
Church Life – Mothers’ Union; Bell ringers; Hall booking; The Common Ladies Book Club; CC Library; Hospitality & service; Walking Group; Electoral roll; Social Media & Publicity; CC website; Social Team and events; Community Events; our Bishops, Archdeacons, Deanery, Area Deans; Church House Guildford & staff; Cathedral Chapter & Dean; St Martins & St Barnabas; Churches Together in Epsom; clergy/lay ministers in training; Diocesan Initiative Transforming Church transforming lives ; The Warm Wednesday initiative of the Methodist Church.