Eco Church
Being the church on Epsom Common, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, we are very aware that’s God message of Good News in Jesus Christ is a message for all creation. “Living well” means living well with, and for, our fellow creatures.
In the autumn of 2018 we became an Eco Church, which means that we have committed to living, as well as we can, in harmony with God’s creation. There are three levels of Eco Church Awards - Bronze, Silver and Gold. In order to qualify for an award you must attain the required standard in certain areas that apply to your church. In 2019, we achieved the Bronze Eco Church award, and in August 2022 we were delighted to receive our Silver Award.
Work undertaken to receive the Silver Award
We were able to show A Roche UK that as a church we have carried out actions which have raised awareness of ethical and environmental issues, and contributed to lessening our negative impacts, including:
- The use of a PowerPoint Presentations instead of printing service sheets
- Having a sermon series about 'Creationtide'
- Encouraging the use of reusable cups for drinks after services
- Keeping office printing to a minimum
- Encouraging people to walk or cycle to church as well working out their environmental footprint via the WWF calculator
- Having recycling facilities available
We are so blessed to be both the church on the common and, for many visitors, the gateway to Epsom Common and we want to share that blessing as we do our bit as part of an Eco Diocese to avert what the government and diocese now recognise as a climate emergency.
The Christ Church Environmental Group helps to act as a catalyst and inspiration for us as we deepen our journey as an Eco Church and work towards underpinning all that we do with care for God’s creation.
Our meetings are very informal, open to everybody and happen roughly every other month after Sunday worship. Your contribution might simply be a prayerful presence; you may have particular gifts and interests to offer; or you may just be interested in seeing how you can help out – in every case, you will be very welcome to join in.
Please click here for a copy of our Environmental Handbook