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Spinnaker Christian Schoolswork

Some new beginnings…

As one of the five missions supported by Christ Church, the local Spinnaker team

members have been active in several schools this year.

We saw some new beginnings as we launched a new RE Day and a new all-age

Christmas assembly.

As our Hub works in schools within both London and Surrey areas, we need our

work to accommodate the curriculums of both. Recent changes meant that we

needed to support the module, ‘What did Jesus say about God’s Kingdom?’ so a new RE Day was designed and delivered.

During RE Days, the children often take the part of detectives, solving clues to understand important messages from the Bible. This time they were wartime

code-breakers, working out messages from ‘Agent J’ received on a field telephone by two daring wartime agents.

One of the messages was about understanding what your treasure is and where

to keep it. We made treasure chests as a reminder.

Our second new beginning was an all age Christmas nativity assembly with a Star

Wars theme. Three wise Jedi followed a star to find the new King, outwitting the

evil Herod/Darth Vader en-route.

Further RE Days, regular assemblies (based on schools values and with

professionally sourced artwork*) and a weekly lunchtime club complete our range

of activities. Our aim is to allow as many children as possible to hear the word of

God as often as possible. Led by Lisa Bell, Youth and Children’s Worker at

Epsom Baptist Church (see below!) we feel very privileged to carry out this work

and to be supported by the Christ Church family both financially and in prayer.

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