A poem by Merinda D’Aprano
Originally part of the ‘Stations of the Resurrection’ Art exhibition
at Christ Church Epsom in 2015

We walked.
Stumbling with doubt
And the bitter tang of loss
After rapt faith.
The dry broken road
A kiln of scorching grief.
Questions assailed us.
The hot dust choked and
The horizon shimmered,
A mirror for our confusion.
Then the stranger slipped silently between us.
Until He broke the bread we were blind.
And yet,
With Him on that road,
The spirit swirled about us.
Opened our ears,
Loosened our tongues.
Laughter fell from our serious lips.
My heart rose and sang
Animated, ecstatic -
My soul burned.
Grief assuaged,
Anger abandoned,
Fear destroyed.
And thus comforted
We asked the stranger to stay
And found again the Lord

So you, friend,
Fearful and blinded,
Dance in the reeling spirit,
Unbound -
Let your heart loose.
And never doubt
The Lord is with you
In friend and stranger
Without and within,
On every road.
Offer your bread with loving hands
And invite your guest to stay.
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