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Faith and Proof - a reflection on John 20: 19-end

The disciples were still in lockdown, yet to fully realise the implications of the Resurrection. A band of confused men and women, some of whom claimed to have seen Jesus a few days before. Ridiculous, exclaimed Thomas. Yet he is still there, a “modern” man, sceptical, needing physical evidence, concrete proof that Jesus was still alive after all they had experienced. Concrete proof is what he wants, reminding me on the fundamentalist tract I once read, entitled “Seven Proofs of the Existence of God”. But concrete proof is not what he gets: no touching the wounds, just a sudden all-powerful realisation that Christ is there with him and for him, but also that as a result of the events of the past few days neither he, nor they, can never be the same again.

We too need to recognise that faith is not scientific proof but a deep realisation that Jesus Christ – in his post- Resurrection body – is forever with us, beside us, before us, behind us, sometimes carrying us. The hope that we have is based on our understanding that He is the first fruit of the resurrection life that we can all share.

Berwick Curtis

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