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Discipleship - Home Groups by Sue Curtis

It is good to meet in groups which get to know each other well, offering a safe place to learn, share and develop together. Discipleship groups in homes are an important part of the provision for friendship, study, prayer and pastoral support at Christ Church. At the moment our discipleship groups meet on a Tuesday evening, mostly in term time to study, pray, reflect, and chat together.

There are four groups that meet weekly and a monthly group. It would be great to expand provision. We are thinking of providing a daytime group on a Tuesday afternoon which may suit some people better.

Groups are open to all and welcome anyone who can come along. There is a chance to talk and listen and we learn together and develop our response to God’s love in a friendly and relaxed way.

Why not give a Home Group a try; it is an excellent way to develop connections within the Christ Church community?

If you would like to know more speak to Sue Curtis - 01372 210492

Groups start studies again in September.

Some quotes from group members

Being part of a home group is not just about exploring what the Bible is saying to us today, it is a journey through life in the company of kind and caring people who will accept you as you are, support you on your journey, and pray for you and those you love along the way. Friends for life.

I enjoy the discussions and hearing the opinions of different people.

I really value being a member of a home group. When times are good, they are great places to learn more about Jesus and the Bible, make and develop friendships, and to build prayer skills. And when times are challenging, the support that comes to you from fellow members makes God's love feel so real and so comforting.

It's good to be with a lovely group of people and the interactions get me thinking and help me to get away from everyday life. We can share things from the Bible that I normally wouldn't think about or have time to do.

We bounce ideas off each other in a safe environment and enjoy coming together with different viewpoints.

Homegroup is welcoming.

I really didn’t think that I “knew” enough about the scripture and that I would have little to offer but my views have always been respected and it has been great to be able to explore the Bible, hearing different interpretations and learning from others in the congregation with different lived experiences/ knowledge of the Bible.

For me, homegroups are learning more about faith/ the Bible in a mixed group of people I may not always have come together with in a social context. It's a good way to have fellowship and build relationships across ages/ genders etc for the congregation.

I joined Home Group shortly after moving to Epsom and it was and remains very important to me. I have made some true friends who have helped and supported me through some difficult times. I have also found the bible study very useful as it gives an in-depth outline of parts of the bible that might otherwise be overlooked and its always good to talk over the issues raised with the group. We always have a time of prayer which is very nice as it gives all of us a chance to pray for those close to us and the wider community. Occasionally, we organise a social event so we can get together to have a meal out or barbecue. I thoroughly recommend Home Group!

Home Groups are an opportunity for open discussion, growing faith, learning more about The Bible, creating a care group, sharing confidential concerns, understanding church structures, purposes, events etc.

Home groups promote fellowship, study and development.

We study the Bible and compare thoughts, experiences etc on Christian life. Encouraging each other in our faith and enjoying fellowship. Smaller groups can make this easier to be connected, to be engaged.

We can learn in a safe environment where one can say what one thinks without embarrassment, knowing that it will remain within the group. Also, mutual prayer support and friendship.

Home Groups help in Bible study and learning what it means to be a Christian. We worship and have fellowship together, giving and receiving support and provide encouragement for the Christian journey. Groups can assist those who want to explore the possibility of being a Christian or those who are new Christian


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