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Christchurch Christmas Appeal

The Missions team has nominated Hope Into Action, Epsom branch as our 2021 Christmas collections beneficiary.

Hope Into Action is a UK based regional Christian-based charity that started in 2010 by Ed Walker, with the purpose to changing the homelessness situation in the city of Peterborough. It’s work has since spread throughout the UK (in partnership with over 50 Churches), and its chief purpose “is to enable Churches to house the homeless”. They provide not just shelter and housing know-how but also friendship & Christian support.

The original scope was to home men coming out of prison. However, the homes (countrywide) are now available for a wide range of "homeless", people in recovery from addiction, people sleeping rough, women and children fleeing domestic violence, people coming out of rehab, former prostitutes, refugees, those suffering mental health issues and survivors of human trafficking.

The Epsom branch started up a few years back and is being co-ordinated by the Churches Together in Epsom (CTiE) volunteers. They recently acquired their first property in Hook Road, Epsom, and are currently vetting tenants to stay in the newly refurbished house.

Please visit their website :

Ways to donate to HIA, Epsom :

(a) Online Bank transfer directly to their Metro Bank details :

  • Account name : 'Hope into Action Epsom'

  • Sort Code : 23-05-80

  • Account : 39952361

(b) Physical collections in Church - buckets will be put at the back of the Church during the Christmas services, but this will be contingent on Governmental guidance after this latest COVID Omicron variant outbreak.

Gift Aid forms will also be available (for those wishing to make donations via cheques).

Thanks for all your generosity !

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