Advent and Christmas
The Journey
From beginning to end. From dawn to dusk. From the cradle to the grave. The concept of journey as a metaphor for life is often talked about, and journey is a popular theme in the Bible.
At this time of year, Christians focus on the journey that Mary and Joseph took to Bethlehem. However, it is the greater journey of Jesus to earth and our human hearts towards God that is the spiritual meaning behind the physical story.
We invite you to join us as we travel through Advent to Epiphany and experience this journey for yourselves.
Advent services
Sunday 1 December
10am Parish Communion
Preparing for a Journey
and launching our Posada
In the Posada, nativity figures of Mary and Joseph travel from house to house during Advent, giving our congregation the chance to create their own celebration at home.
Tuesday 3 December
Christmas Memorial Service 7.30pm
The Bereavement Journey
Sunday 8 December
Parish Communion 10am
The Angel’s Journey to Mary
Saturday 14 December
Campfire Carols in the outdoor chapel 5pm
Sunday 15 December
Parish Communion 10am
Mary’s Journey to Elizabeth
Sunday 22 December
Bubble Communion 10am
Candlelit Carols 6.30pm
Journey to Bethlehem
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
Tuesday 24 December
Crib Services at 2.30pm & 4pm
Communion 11pm
Wednesday 25 December
All Age Communion 10am
Christ’s Journey to Earth
Christingle & more
Sunday 29 December
Simple Said Communion 10am
5@5 Christingle Celebration 5pm
Journey to the Wider World
Sunday 5 January
All Age Communion 10am
The Magi’s Journey